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Friday 8th March 2019

Practise telling the time at home. Make sure you know a quarter to and a quarter past!

Today in English, we wrote a letter to The Gregg family because 'The Girl' wants them to stop shooting wildlife. During P.E. we  learnt karate and we are enjoying it a lot. In maths we are learning to tell the time. Using a human clock we learnt a quarter to and past, o'clock and half past. Also in maths, we have learnt about 3D shapes. On a cube there are 6 flat faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices! In science we have been exploring the question 'Do taller people have bigger feet?' In R.E. we have started an Easter project to make crosses in sad and happy colours that we will be continuing to work next week. In whole class reading we read chapter 11 of The Enchanted Wood and we sequenced the things that happened. In Global Learning we have been learning where all of the Earth's water is.

Have a lovely weekend

Roddick Class