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Friday 15th July 2022

Our final blog post in Poplar Class!

Wow! Our last Friday in Poplar class, what a fantastic year it has been! Today we had an amazing time during sports day, we loved taking part and cheering on our teams! Thank you Miss Lizell for organising such a great event! This week, in English we have been learning and applying homophones to our writing such as: hair/hare; sun/son; flour/flour; pair/pear; would/wood... ask us some more! In maths, we have been learning about time and giving change. We have also enjoyed using the microscopes in science and starting a new plant investigation. We would really like to share our highlights from the year with you, reflecting on the fantastic year we have had in Year 2!

Myia- 'I enjoyed doing skills builder projects and sports day. I have really enjoyed being in Poplar class and Buckden school, I am looking forward to my new school in September'

Georgie- 'I really liked being in Poplar class and using the microscopes this year!'

Connie- 'I have really enjoyed being in Miss Bennett's class because she is the best teacher ever ever and Mrs Collins is the best teaching assistant ever, I've loved it and I thought it was really hard at the start but now I find it easier'

Freya- 'I just really enjoyed being with you and all my friends'

Jonah- 'I have had the best year ever!'

Ronnie- 'I loved nurture!'

Dexter- 'I enjoyed World Book Day when we got to have hot chocolate and biscuits and reading stories together'

Mya- 'I have enjoyed spending my time with the class, especially my favourite bit was choir and making salt dough. Miss Bennett has done a good job at making me happy'

Natalie-'I love making friends with everybody and love playing with everyone and being with my teacher. I am looking forward Year 3'

Noah- 'I have had a lot of fun'

Bella- 'I really enjoyed making salt dough and sad to leave Poplar and hope you have a lovely summer everyone'

Thomas- 'I liked making dough'

Harry- 'I enjoyed being with you and Mrs Collins, my favourite learning was maths!'

Zac- 'This year I have enjoyed art when we made the police badges'

David- 'I liked doing maths and going to the zoo'

Daisy- 'I enjoyed when we made salt dough and meeting the real Zeraffa!'

Hetty- 'I really like this class and Miss Bennett because they're all really kind and we work well as a team. My favourite learning was science week!'

Lola- 'I really enjoyed all of the year with Miss Bennett and Poplar class because they are really kind and the best class ever'

Leon-'I loved sports day!'

Lily-Mae- 'I loved the whole year!'

Imogen- 'I really liked going to the zoo!'

Luke- 'I really liked sports day and liked spending time with my teachers and having a good time'

Michael- 'I have really enjoyed making good friends with Luke and going to Woburn zoo. I've had the best time this year!'

Archer- 'I enjoyed going to Woburn and making new friends'

Miss Bennett- 'WOW! What an amazing year we have had in Poplar Class! I am so incredibly proud of each and every one of the children, they have been unbelievably resilient and positive- they have made me smile every day! Thank you for all being the amazing, kind and thoughtful children that you are- keep smiling and keep shining! I hope you all have the best summer, filled with sunshine, laughter and memories!'