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Friday 1st July

Homework: Please complete the Geography section of your Transition Booklet.  The work is all about volcanoes - remember to think back to our experience in the Science Dome this week to help you.  If you are not going to Hinchingbrooke School in September - please talk to an adult at home about something you have enjoyed from our Science Week.

Annabell:  This week, I really enjoyed using the microscopes.  I looked at insects and found it interesting to see all the details of their features.

Jessie:  One of the Science challenges we were set this week was to create a flower/plant sculpture using only coloured paper and scissors.  I enjoyed the challenge, although it was really hard to create something without using glue!  I was really proud of the flower I created.

Seb:  One of the Science Investigations we did in class this week involved turning milk into plastic!  We mixed milk with white vinegar, heated it in a microwave and watched it curdle.  We then scooped out all the white bits and moulded them together to form a substance which was a bit like putty.  We then coloured our putty using food colouring and moulded it into shapes.  Over the week we observed how it hardened and turned into plastic; it was very smelly!