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Friday 1st March

An update on our week


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday



We have been looking at our book of the blue planet and making word banks thinking about our 5 senses. We used these words to make a poem as a whole class and then wrote our own individually. 



We have been thinking about place value and tens and ones. We have spent lots of time showing numbers and seeing how we can represent them. 



In phonics we had pieces of paper and one was a three square one and we wrote the correct words and sounds in the gaps. (KP)

Today we are playing pass the parcel (DDG)

In PE we were looking at different gymnastic moves (JC)

In Maths we have been looking at tens and ones and there was a note where Kate had made a mistake and we had to say what had happened (JW)

We won the walking trophy this week (AP)

On Thursday we made Buckden from Lego, Duplo and blocks (ET)

In assembly we had learner of the week (FJ)

In French we learnt how to say our name (MA)

Yesterday in PSHCE we passed the monkey around the circle and we talked about when we were proud and when we weren't proud (MB)