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Friday 24th June

Talk homework: Write a kenning about your favourite animal.

Spellings: Make sure you know all the year 1 and 2 common exception words in your reading diary. If you know them all make sure you know these: payment, enjoyment, achievement, darkness, kindness.

The highlight of the week has to be the year 6 Enterprise afternoon. It was brilliant there was a book sale, two lucky dips, a kick the rugby game that you could win sweets at, a cookie monster game where you got a cookie, a drink stall and lots more! Ivy enjoyed maths on Wednesday, when we learnt about repeating patterns. In English, we have continued to read Egg Box Dragon. We compared Egg Box when he was a model to when he came alive. You can see Harry's amazing pictures of Egg Box above. This week, we also wrote Kenning poems about Egg Box. He was definitely a Coat-destroyer and a Breakfast-stealer! On Thursday in P.E. Miss Lizell got the parachute out, and we all had a lot of fun!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Maple class