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Friday 24th June

Homework:  Remember to print out your Hinchingbrooke Transition Booklet, so you are able to see which tasks need to be completed before you start in September.  This week for your homework, please complete the History Section.  It is a good idea to complete the task on lined paper and then store all this work in a folder which you can take in during your first week and share with your new teachers.

Jessie:  I have really enjoyed Enterprise this week.  On Monday we were asked to plan an afternoon of stalls for the younger children in the school.  Some of these stalls were activity based, others were food and drink.  We had a wonderful afternoon yesterday and all had lots of fun.  It was great to see everyone outside having a lovely time enjoying themselves at our stalls.

Annabell:  This week in SRE we have learnt how babies are made.  We have discussed appropriate vocabulary and looked at how babies are formed and develop in the womb.  

Emma:  This week we have continued to rehearse our play.  We have gone over all the songs to make sure we know the words, and are busy incorporating props into our performance.