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Friday 15th February 2019

No talk homework

This week Susie enjoyed English when we  drew and described Atir. Millie thinks this week has been the best week ever because it is the last one before half term! Macie loves phonics where she learned the ch sound. In Global Learning, Eva helped to write about what he have learned this term and then in assembly this morning Louis, Izzy, Jakub and Kerry-Ann all stood up and told everybody all about deforestation, desertification and endangered species. Earlier in the week we put out our information trail to tell the school about endangered species. Every child in year 2 made a fact card about an endangered animal and painted a stone to match the card. At break times all the children in school could read the cards. In maths we had ago at a quiz and we all did really well! In P.E. Indira enjoyed practising a dance to bring our book 'Zeraffa Giraffa' to life. We added to our dance from last week where we danced like an elegant felucca, that see-sawed and pivotted. This week we danced like our machine entering Paris.

Have a fantastic half-term

Roddick class