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Friday 10th June

Talk homework: Have a go at sketching a dragon using the shading techniques we used on our giraffe pictures.

Spellings: word, world, towards, work, warn

Joshua, Finley and everyone actually, enjoyed making an Egg Box Dragon out of recycled materials with their teams on Thursday. Today we wrote an explanation text to describe just how we made our models. Florence loved our team building session on Tuesday when again in groups we built a tower out of cones and balls. The challenge was to build the tallest towers. Some teams even ended up taking their shoes off to try to win!  Harry is loving finding fact families for division and multiplication in maths. Sienna enjoyed P.E. with Miss Lizell when we were throwing balls to each other. In Science, Joshua loved exploring the properties of materials using the words stiff, stretchy, flexible and rigid. Ivy enjoyed our class assembly today when we looked at a piece of artwork and explored its meaning. We drew a beautiful picture of the artwork in our sketch books.

Have a great weekend

Maple class