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We have had such a wonderful half term, learning all about Life Below Water.

We have learnt about this through Geography, History, Art, Dance and Science.

We have found out about the 5 main oceans of the world, the layers of the ocean and about floating and artificial Islands that have been created to provide more living accommodation. we also looked at the impact these have created to our sealife and how pollution is damaging our oceans.

We learnt about the importance of Sustainable fishing and how fishermen ensure they fish sustainably and what we can do to ensure that we buy products that ensures sustainable fishing continues.

In art, we focussed on the artist Turner and have created pastel pictures of sunsets and storms, created precise sketches focussing upon features that you would see on seascape pictures and sketched shells, focussing on the detail that the shells have.

In history, we learnt how the Industrial Revolution impacted the pollution of our waters and how poorly people became from drinking the contaminated water.

In dance, we created a dance based on the Disney song, Under the Sea. We created our own whole class dance and loved it.

In English, we have read the book Floodland, which we have loved, it's based about the events that would happen if England became flooded and what land would be left. Interestingly it is based in this area, Ely Cathedral and Cambridge.We loved that this was close to us.