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Friday 13th May

You have all worked really hard these past few weeks and months in order to prepare for your SATs tests - so this weekend you are not expected to complete any tasks on SATs Companion!  Remember to read every day and record your reading 3 times in your reading records - these will be checked on Monday.

Riley: This week was Year 6 SATs week - we had to complete tests in Maths and English and some days we had 2 tests!  It was hard work having to concentrate for such a long time, but I actually enjoyed the Maths tests - although they were challenging, they were also quite fun!

Annabell: Throughout the week we have been enjoying breakfast in school!  We got to choose between croissants, pain au chocolate, cereal and a range of fruit.  It was really nice to sit and chat with our friends in the mornings before our tests, as lots of us were feeling quite nervous.

Sofia: On Friday this week - to celebrate the end of our SATs tests - we all went to the park to play a big game of Capture The Flag.  We had lots of fun, and it was a great way to end the week.