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Friday 22nd April

Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion - these are due on Thursday next week.  Remember to read for at least 20 minutes each day and record your reading 3 times in you reading records - these will be checked on Monday.  Your spelling words for next week are: reversible, incredible, horrible, possible, terrible, responsible, legible, forcible, sensible, visible.

Riley: This week we started a new Power of Reading Book called 'The Song from Somewhere Else'.  We looked at the front cover of the book and we had lots of ideas about what the story might be about.  When we read the first chapter we were all quite surprised that it was about a missing cat!

Annabell: I have enjoyed learning about angles in Maths this week.  It started off quite challenging, but now we can solve some quite complicated problems relating to angles.

Seb: We are now doing Athletics in PE, so we can prepare for Sports Day.  This week we learnt how to throw the shot put.  The ball is really heavy and very hard to throw!