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Friday 1st April

Please revise the spelling words on the attached document.  There are no 'set' tasks on SATs Companion for you, but please do have a go at any of the activities on there - anything you do will help prepare you for your assessments next term - we can see which activities you have completed.  Remember to read every day and record 3 sessions in your reading diaries as normal.  

Jessie: Today we got to take our fitness classes which we have been preparing as part of our Skills Builder Project.  It was really good to see the Year 2's smiling throughout the class and hearing what they enjoyed about it.

Riley: Yesterday we completed a News Report on our Power of Reading Book - Pig Heart Boy.  We had to choose which perspective to write from, and we created our own Headlines which had to hook and hold the reader.

Molly: On Wednesday I enjoyed playing football rounders.  It was a fun to play the game of rounders but with a bit of a twist!