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Friday 1st April 2022

Talk Homework: This week we participated in a 'Big School Clean'. Discuss with friends and family ways we can look after our environment. Maybe you could do something this holiday to show you're caring for our planet?

Spellings: hoped, safer, largest, nicer, closest

This week we have been competing in interhouse- it was even snowing! Brr! In English, we have been planning and writing our own fairytales. It has been great fun! We have also been completing quizzes in reading and maths- Miss Bennett is very proud of our progress! In maths, we have been developing our reasoning skills and looking at fractions of shape. In our skills builder project, we focused on teamwork, where we designed a bedroom displaying gender equality. In DT, we have been making our portrait frames and today we will be decorating them! We learned how to join wood using glue- trying really hard to make sure they stayed square! In RE, we continued our learning of the Easter story and made Easter cards. In online safety, we have been learning about how to stay safe online and how difficult it is to really know who we talk to online. This is because people play as avatars on games and we never really know who they are. This can protect us too though so we can play as characters and protect our identity online. In PE, we finalised our gym routines and recorded them- maybe we could show you some things we learnt at home?

Today is 'Break the Rules Day'... and of course, we are huge fans of that! We have raised £40.50 in Poplar Class- thank you for all your contributions.

Hetty- 'I really enjoyed maths when we were doing our fractions!'

Freya- 'This week I have enjoyed writing my fairytale because I  got to make it up myself'

Zac- 'This week I enjoyed making our frames and look forward to designing them today'

Lily-Mae- 'I have enjoyed maths when we were doing Easter symmetry'

Today we say good luck and 'see you soon' to Jacob who is sadly leaving us today, but has a great new venture ahead of him at his new school and home. It has been a pleasure having you in Poplar class- you are such a kind, positive and determined person. We are so proud of you- good luck!

Jacob- 'I have really enjoyed spending my time with you guys'

Hope you all have a great break- enjoy the weather... of all seasons a day brings!

Thank you for all being amazing Poplar class! Happy Easter!

Miss Bennett