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Friday 25th March 2022

Talk Homework: Can you think of ways that Christians and communities can help those that are suffering?
Spellings: writing, loving, shining, hoping, coming

We have had another fantastic week in Poplar class- full of learning and sunshine! In maths, we have been revising our four operations and building our confidence with properties of 3D shape. In science, we used natural items, in the beautiful sunshine, to make a model of all the stages of the life cycle of a frog. In English, we looked at the structure of fairytales, what makes a successful fairytale and considered the characters, settings, plots and resolutions for our own fairytale. On Wednesday, we had a challenge day where we conducted a skills builder project to design a community theatre. We focused on teamwork, leadership and creativity skills. In P.E we have been developing our final gymnastic routines using benches, vaults, rolls and balancing positions. In RE we have continued our learning of the Easter story and it’s significance in Christianity- this was further discussed with a visit from GENR8 on Friday. 


Happy Weekend!


Miss Bennett