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Friday 25th March 2022

Talk Homework: Can you think of ways that Christians and communities can help those that are suffering?

Spellings: writing, loving, shining, hoping, coming

The weather has been kind to us this week and we have taken lots of our learning outdoors. This afternoon, we used natural items to make a model of all the stages of the life cycle of a frog. In maths, we have learnt about the properties of 3D shapes and then we practised our arithmetic skills. In English, we looked at the structure of fairy tales and considered the characters, settings, plots and resolutions. On Wednesday in our theme day, we conducted a skills builder project to design a community space. The children used their teamwork skills and got creative to design theatres and dance studios. In P.E. our final gymnastic routines are developing well and we have used benches and the vault to add height to our jumps. Today for assembly, GENR8 came to school which was just great. It was so lovely to see the children watch the Easter based performance which they found hilarious and thought-provoking. 

Have a great weekend

Maple class