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Friday 1st February 2019

Talk Homework: Compare three objects; small, medium and large
WEDDING: You're children will be attending a wedding, there is a slip of paper saying the role they will play in their reading folder please could you bring in a costume in a named bag for Thursday the 7th of February.
Daily Reading
Key Words

It has been a very cold but fun week. We have done lots of exploring with ice which everyone has found very interesting. We have been looking at the story of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff. We have been building lots of bridges and sometimes testing their strength. We have been learning all about weddings; who goes, their jobs and everything that's involved. In Maths this week we have looking at measurement, we should know that it is comparative to say something is long or short, big or small. In our Phonics sessions we have been looking at the 'igh' trigraph (3 letters that make 1 sound) and the 'oa' digraph