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18th March 2022

Talk Homework- Our Super Hero for next week is Marie Curie. Find out more about what made her such an influential woman.

Reading- at least 3 times a week. Practice the tricky words you had sent home last week too please. These should be able to be read on sight.

We need all white t-shirts in for next Monday please ready to begin our costume designing.

This week has we have learnt all about Mary Anning. She was such a clever and interesting character from history and we loved looking carefully at fossils as she did. We learnt more about dinosaurs, in particular the Iguanadon. It was amazing to learn that they were 10 metres long!

In Maths, we have been learning doubles to double 5. We played lots of games to help us secure these facts. 

For Science, we have been exploring ramps and forces. This inspired the children to create a giant marble run outside.

In art, we took inspiration from the Super Hero artist, Kandinsky and we created pieces of our own by printing with geometric shapes.