Friday 18th March 2022
Talk Homework: Look around your house and spot 2D and 3D shapes. Can you describe their properties?
Please can you bring a shoe box/ box for our challenge day on Wednesday.
Spellings: happier, angriest, drier, tidier, funniest
In maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been looking at their properties using vocabulary such as vertices, sides and faces. In PE, we have been playing 'catch the flag' and in gym we have been balancing, travelling and rolling using mats and benches. In DT, we have researched frames we liked and disliked, using our favourite parts to design our own frame for our self-portraits. On Wednesday, we learnt how to code and design a simple programme. We then challenged ourselves to debug an algorithm to ensure our sprite followed our intended instructions accurately. In English, we have been using our imaginations to create our own witches potions- we went outside to collect ingredients and used rhyming words for each. It was great fun! In RE, we have been looking at forgiveness and how Christians ask God for forgiveness.
Today we have loved having our crazy hair! Poplar class raised £39.76 for Comic Relief-thank you all for your support for such an important cause.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Bennett