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Friday 25th February 2022

Talk Homework: Talk to your adults about how to draw a self-portrait. Perhaps you can teach someone in your family to draw themselves. 

Spellings: fly, why, cry, July, and try

Continent song


This week in Maple class, Mae has really enjoyed learning how to draw a pictogram because it was fun to convert Tally data into a pictogram. George loves learning French, and we are getting very good at saying our birthday in French. Harry Ellis has enjoyed art this week when we learnt how to draw a self-portrait. We have drawn ourselves and our adults will have an opportunity to buy a product with our portraits on. Ethan has enjoyed P.E. this week, when in orienteering we had to communicate without talking to get all of our birthdays in the correct order. Finley is enjoying our new CLPE book, Rapunzel. He particularly enjoyed drawing a story mountain. Lucy and lots of other children too enjoyed learning about the Titanic disaster this week. We found the history of The Titanic fascinating.  Also in P.E. this week, Isla P has found gymnastics amazing especially when we perfected two types of roles, a sausage roll and a pencil roll. 


Have a fantastic weekend

Maple Class