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Friday 3rd December

Talk Homework: Tell you adults all about the story you are planning in school. Remember it follows the structure of the Magic Finger.

Just to let you know we will be putting our weekly spellings on here each week. The children have been learning them all week but it will help the children to learn them in a different setting too.

Spellings to learn for a test on Monday:






This week has been fantastic. Ella is enjoying her maths because when we tried some missing number questions Ella thought they looked tricky but actually they were quite easy. Ivy and Isla F really liked PE yesterday, when they jumped on the trampoline and ran across the hall to keep fit. Harry Ellis is planning the most amazingly creative story, in fact the story plans were all really phenomenal. Florence is relishing practising her handwriting and is improving all the time. David, and lots of us, loved making a police badge out of clay this week. 

Have a great weekend

Maple class