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Friday 15th October 2021

Talk Homework: Have a look around your house and see if you can spot any houseplants. Think carefully about what plants need to survive. Ask your family if they have a spare houseplant that you can bring in for your classroom.

This week in Maple class we have been trying our hardest in some assessments. Mae enjoyed both of her assessments but in particular she enjoyed the grammar section on her English paper, well done Mae. It was really exciting this week, when we performed our play in front of Lower School. We put on our costumes and sang our hearts out. The singing was glorious. We would just like to say how impressed we are with the children's costumes. They were so thoughtfully made and the children looked brilliant when they put them on. The effort involved to use recycled items was appreciated. Sienna loved to explore a new page in The Last Wolf this week when we discovered that the forest that the last Wolf lives in, is actually tiny and surrounded by houses. This prompted us to write a letter to our local council. We did this because we know that there are new houses being built in Buckden and we want to ensure that plants and animals are protected when they are built. Florence and Harry Eller. have enjoyed their Parliament meeting and have now asked us to think of a charity in this country and one in another country that we can support. Ezra is really enjoying his handwriting lessons and is doing so well. 

Have a fantastic weekend.

Maple class