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We all enjoyed seeing you at our Christmas play. Thank you for helping us with our costumes, it was very exciting wearing them for the first time. Although we are very tired it was great fun. Thank you being such a great audience.


This week we have been thinking about writing sentences and how we can make them interesting. To help us start our work we looked at lots of different pictures.  We have been trying to remember to leave finger spaces and use Capitals and full stops.
Some of us have been trying to include exciting words in our sentences.
Our trip to the Toy Museum was the stimulus for our 'Big Write ' in our Topic session.


In maths we have been learning about 2- D shapes . This has involved sorting different shapes and explaining  to our group how we have decided to sort them. We have used the terms 'rectangle' , 'oblong' and 'polygon'.
We have also used the shapes to create a repeating pattern for our partner to copy. Then our next challenge has been to describe our partners pattern.

Please continue with number names and Common Exception Words.