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Friday 8th October

Talk homework: Please collect some suitable materials for the inside of a bug house and bring them into school with you on Monday. This could be, for example: twigs, pine cones, acorns or cardboard.

Maths homework : Abacus

3 times 20min a week. Usernames and passwords are in each child's reading journal. 

Reading homework: with an adult three times a week please.

The documents attached at the end of this blog are for children that test Covid positive and have to remain at home. If they are well enough to work, the document will ensure they do not miss out on what we are learning at school. 

We have had another great week in Maple class. All of us have really enjoyed practising our songs for the year 2/4 play. We joined with the other year 2 class and have learnt our songs really well. Barney's favourite songs are What's the Deal and Welcome to our paradise. There is a really good variety of songs in the play that are all good fun to sing-Izzy. Harry Eller. has worked hard to learn our written methods for adding two, 2 digit numbers together. Today we finished our badger fact files. We have learnt all about where badgers live, what they eat, what they look like and why they are protected. We have learnt a lot of facts about badgers. Did you know that a badger's tail is 15cm long and their favourite food is earthworms. Lucy has really enjoyed her phonics learning when she had too speed read a sheet to find all of her words. As always, Ethan has enjoyed his P.E. lesson when he played football matches. David likes to practise his spellings and has learnt some more common exception words this week. 

Have a great weekend

Maple class