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Sycamore Class Blog

Talk homework

Talk about your five senses and the body part that relates to each sense.

Please can you start to save your cereal boxes over this half term, so we can use them for our DT project at the end of the half term, thank you.

Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school everyday.

Within Mathematics, we have started learning about part, part, whole models and how they can help us with our addition calculations.

In English, we have made a friend for Beegu from playdough and written about what makes them a good friend.

Within RE, we have written some amazing creation poems.

We are really enjoying our class reader, The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me, by Roald Dahl.


During our Global learning lesson, we have completed some amazing sketches of the school building.


“I have enjoyed doing lots of Maths.” (William).

“I have enjoyed running on the field.” (Matilda. B).

“I liked making a playdoh Beegu friend.” (Edmund).

“I have enjoyed playing fottball.” (Seb).

The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting Mrs Romaine –

Have a safe and happy weekend.

Sycamore Class and Mrs Romaine.