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New Blog Post

 Queen Elizabeth ll

Friday 7th December

 This has been a very busy and exciting week.  We are all so proud of KS1 who put on a wonderful Dress rehearsal for the reception classes . Every one  did a fantastic job. We are sure you will be so proud of the children when you join us next week to see our production of the 'Magical Land of Sleep'.

We all enjoyed our Christmas Dinner with our Mums and Dads. Thank you for joining us.


In English we have been working with Jumbled up Sentences. We have had to put the words in the correct order and read out the completed sentence. We have to remember to start with a Capital letter and use a full stop at the end. We must also not forget those all important finger spaces. Some of you will have a tin at home with muddled up sentences . Why not have a go at home?



This week in Maths we have been looking at 3-D shapes. Learning their names and talking about their different properties. e.g How many flat or round faces do they have.  We then tried making some models out of the shapes. Everyone is improving each week with the Big  Maths Beat That challenge. Well done and keep it up !


Please look at the Common Exception Words in the Reading log and continue to write numbers up to five.

Talk Homework:

Discuss with your child their favourite part of the Production.