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Friday 10th September 2021

TALK HOMEWORK:  Talk about your experience of teaching.  What have you learnt?  What went well?  What did you find difficult? Be ready to share your ideas on Monday. 

We have all settled in well in our new class and enjoyed seeing each other again.

Albie has enjoyed football on Tuesday because we were playing matches with the whole class and Miss Lizell.

In Maths, we have been rounding numbers and looking at place value of big numbers and Thomas has enjoyed all his maths lessons this week.

Sophia has enjoyed Global learning and talking about what is means to have a 'Quality Education'.

Finn has really enjoyed English this week which is based a book called ‘There’s a boy in the girl’s bathroom.’ It’s a really funny book!

Miss Morgan and Mrs Ryder are very proud of how well they have worked this week.