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Friday 9th July 2021

Talk homework: When you are out walking this weekend look at the buildings you see in the high street and decide which ones are the oldest.

A busy week again in Sessions class this week. We have spent a lot of time this week thinking about units of measure. We have learnt all about cm, m, ml, l, g and kg. Ask your children what units of measure they would use to measure the length of a football pitch, the volume of a cup of water and the mass of a brick. In English, we thought about where to place the commas in a list. In our Global learning lessons, we have looked closely at the buildings in Buckden High Street. We noticed that they are all different ages. We found a building from Tudor times, Stuart times, Georgian times, Edwardian times and modern times. Today, was very special because we had a Lower school sports day. It was lovely to see all the children together having a lot of fun. There were some very athletic performances.

Enjoy the football!

Sessions class