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Our Lego Team have completed our project for the First Lego League Challenge. We have worked really hard and are really proud of how well we have done.

There are 11 small challenges to complete in under 2 and a half minutes, all these challenges are made entirely of Lego. You would complete these challenges with a robot, that is also made entirely of Lego. This robot is controlled by coding on our computer and can complete challenges by lifting and lowering its arm as well as rotating.

This project has taken approximately six weeks, and we have been extremely excited about it. The judges watched the videos that we recorded of us completing our missions, we have worked extremely hard choosing the missions to complete that will help to win us the most points. 

Alongside coding the robot, the team have also put together an Innovation Project named Let’s Get Active! The original idea that we came up with is called The Activity Dome. It is like a park which has an outdoor gym and climbing frame altogether, all placed within a dome.