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World Book Day Activities!

To celebrate World Book Day this year, we have been asked to perform a poem of our choice.

Michael Rosen is one of our favourite Authors and Poets, we are HUGE fans and love watching him perform his own poems. There are lots of examples of these on Youtube, such as Chocolate Cake, Strict, Michael's Big Book of Bad Things, to name a few! 

We found it really tricky to choose our favourite poem to perform in our school bubble, but in the end we chose 'Hand on the Bridge', a poem with an interesting rhythm, repetition, and opportunities to perform with our bodies. 

Please see below, our own version of Michael Rosen's 'Hand on the Bridge', as performed by our lovely Year 2 Bubble!

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  • Friday 9th July 2021

    Published 09/07/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk homework: When you are out walking this weekend look at the buildings you see in the high street and decide which ones are the oldest.

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  • Friday 1st July 2021

    Published 02/07/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk Homework: Look in your kitchen at the kitchen scales and discuss what units of measure we use when we are cooking. Are they the same when measuring out flour and milk?

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    Published 25/06/21, by Susan Tarpey

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  • Friday 18th June 2021

    Published 16/06/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk homework: Can you look at home and find any books that you have with dragons in them. Choose one and if you are allowed can you bring it to school to use next week.

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  • Friday 11th June

    Published 11/06/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk Homework:  Finish making your paper clock at home (just like you made one in school). You will need to cut your hour and minute hands and attach them with the split pin. Then add on the second set of numbers 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc to show the number of minutes in each interval. Now practise using it to tell the time quarter to and quarter past. If you can already do this try to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.

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  • 28th May 2021

    Published 28/05/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk homework: Ask your adults and grandparents if they know what Buckden High Street looked like in the olden days. Do they have any memories or old photos?

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  • The school allotment

    Published 21/05/21, by Susan Tarpey

    We had a great trip to the allotment to do some digging and weeding followed by a lot of watering because the soil was quite dry. We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who have sent in seeds and plants to support our planting this term, it is greatly appreciated.




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  • Making clay healthy eating plates

    Published 21/05/21, by Susan Tarpey

    We had a fantastic morning learning how to handle clay, starting by moulding the clay and banging it on the table to get the air out. We learnt how to shape the clay using a rolling pin.

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  • Friday 21st May 2021

    Published 21/05/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk homework: Tell your adults what you have learnt about the things plants need to grow. Can you remember all the different plants you have grown in school. 

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  • Friday 14th May

    Published 12/05/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk homework: What time did you go to bed? What time did you get up? How long were you asleep? 

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  • Friday 7th May

    Published 07/05/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk homework: Have a look around your house to see if you have an analogue clock. Can you see o'clock and half past.

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  • Friday 30th April

    Published 30/04/21, by Susan Tarpey

    Talk homework: Tell your adults about life in the workhouse.

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