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Anna Comstock



For World Book Day Reception have learned and performed a poem. 

We hope you enjoy it.

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  • 9th July 2021

    Published 09/07/21, by Kate Woodward

    If you haven't already, please could you return any reading books/ library books into school for an audit please.

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  • 2nd July 2021

    Published 02/07/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework- Discuss which races you want to take part in for sports day as Mrs Woodward will be asking you on Monday. The choices are- long race, sprint race, shuttle bean bag race, egg and spoon, relay race. You can do as many as you wish but must choose at least 2.

    Reading- At least 3 times a week please. We haven't heard you child read for the past 2 weeks in school due to science week and transition week. We will hear them all as usual next week. We have been doing lots of other reading around our learning.

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  • 25th June 2021

    Published 25/06/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk homework- Discuss something you have enjoyed about Science week. Please also prepare your child for having their new Year 1 teacher for 3 days next week.

    Reading at least 3 times a week.

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  • 18th June 2021

    Published 18/06/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework- Following from our literacy lesson this week, discuss modes of transport.

    Reading at least 3 times a week please.

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  • 11th June 2021

    Published 11/06/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk homework — learn about the country you have chosen for Euro 2021. What food do they eat? What does their flag look like? What do their traditional clothes look like? How do they say hello? Where in the world is it located? What is the weather like?

    Daily Reading

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  • 28th May 2021

    Published 02/06/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework- Discuss our Baptism celebration. What can you remember about this special occasion? Can you sing the hymn, This Little Light of Mine for your family?

    Reading- at least 3 times a week please.

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  • 21st May 2021

    Published 21/05/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework- Discuss the origins of your name. Why did your parents choose it for you? What does it mean?

    Don't forget you can wear 'party' clothes for our Christening celebration on Wednesday.

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  • 14th May 2021

    Published 14/05/21, by Kate Woodward

    Please make sure you are reading at least 3 times a week.

    Talk Homework : Go on a worm hunt. Talk about why worms are helpful in your garden

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  • 7th May 2021

    Published 07/05/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk homework- Discuss habitats of worms. Where do they live? What do they eat? Can you find out more about worms using books and internet searches.

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  • 30th April 2021

    Published 30/04/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk homework- Tip out a money box or purse and talk about all the coins. 

    Reading at least 3 times a week please.

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  • 23rd April 2021

    Published 23/04/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework- Try to find a pattern within your home. What is the repeat? Can you find any symmetrical patterns?

    Reading- Please, please hear your child read at least 3 times a week for 10 mins and record in their reading log. This is so important to help them continue to make progress with their reading.

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  • 16th April 2021

    Published 16/04/21, by Kate Woodward

    Talk Homework- We have been learning about 'time' this week. Discuss the things we have learnt- days of the week, months, seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, morning, afternoon, evening, night. We have also played 'What's the Time Mr Wolf' with o'clock times. You could try this at home.

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