Olave Baden-Powell Class Blog Friday 28th June
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Our learner of the week is Harvey. Well done and keep it up!
Our learner of the week is Noah, well done!
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Talk homework - explain about the water cycle. Mathletics has been set.
Mathletics has been set. Talk homework is to find 3 objects around your home, one made from metal, one from wood and one from plastic. Discuss why the objects need to be made from these materials and what their properties are.
We have been writing letters to Theresa May, our local MP and Prince Charles to ask them for help with reducing deforestation. Year 4 have also made a video to raise awareness of deforestation and you can find a link to it on Serena Williams blog. Please help by sharing the video to spread our message.
In french we have been learning our colours.
In PE we have been playing football and on Wednesday we had football inter house and these were the overall scores; Lincoln were first, Hugh were second, Harwick were third, Aragon were fourth.
Talk homework - What fractions can you see around your home? E.g. If you have a pizza what fraction have you eaten.
Mathletics has been set.
Talk Homework: Discuss what changes you can do to help reduce deforestation. Mathletics has been set.
Mathletics has been set. Talk homework - explain how slash and burn farming helped the Mayans live sustainably in the rainforest.
Mathletics has been set.
This week we have been erupting volcanoes, finishing building Iron Men and having a good time getting ready for Christmas.
Below are some of the pictures taken of the volcanoes before erupting and the finished Iron Men, including Serena Williams' giant Iron Man.