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  • Friday 30th November

    Published 18/12/18, by Joshua Palmer


    Reading, mathletics and talk homework

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  • Friday 23rd November

    Published 18/12/18, by Joshua Palmer


    Reading, mathletics and talk homework

    Talk homework:

    Try to find as many bronze items as you can and discuss their importance.

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  • Friday 16.11.18

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer


    Mathletics, reading and talk homework.

    Talk homework: Predict what happens next in our text 'The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane'.

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  • Friday 09.11.18

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer


    Mathletics, reading and talk homework.

    Talk homework: Look at as many numbers - house, street - as you can and round them up or down to the nearest 10 and 100.

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  • Friday 02.11.18

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer


    Mathletics, reading and talk homework.

    Talk homework: Science - to be emailed via the office.

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  • Friday 19th October

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer


    Reading daily.

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  • Friday 12th October

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer


    Mathletics, reading and talk homework.

    Talk homework - Discuss, as though you were telling Ug, how you live today compared to in the stone age.

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  • Friday 5th October

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer

    Homework -


    Daily reading

    Talk homework - Talk about and compare your life and Ug's in the 'Stone Age'.

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  • Friday 28th September

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Friday 21st September

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Friday 14th September

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Friday 7th September

    Published 16/11/18, by Joshua Palmer

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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