Talk homework - To practise your 8 timestable.
Daily reading
Welcome to Florence Nightingale's class page!
This week has been very busy, as we were practising being year 4. Most things were the same, as we are still with Mrs Romaine, but we moved classrooms and chose a new name, Usain Bolt. We made a fact file about him, which was really interesting.
We set our class rules, and made some pledges of what we are going to do to make sure that less plastic goes into landfill.
In Science, we had great fun making paper helicopters, most of them flew, but some may have been a bit too big and heavy.
We looked at what it means to be grateful in PSHCE, and we really do appreciate the things our family, friends nd teachers being there for us and doing different things with us.
Have a lovely weekend
Nightingale Class
Homework: drink lots of water and put on sunscreen
Talk homework - To talk about what you are looking forward to in Year 4.
Daily reading
This week we have had an AMAZING time in Science week.
I enjoyed making some boi plastic (Maya).
I have enjoyed make a prototype reusing plastic, we make a flower vase (James).
I enjoyed the engineering challenge making the tallest tower with just newspaper and celotape. We can second in the whole school (Oliver).
Happy weekend : )
Daily reading
Talk homework - To talk about what one use plastic is. Bring in CLEAN plastic recycling and a plastic bag.
In PE we have played cricket and I really enjoyed it (Leyla).
We have had an amazing trip to Scarewell farm and I am so proud of how all of the children represented Buckden school. I enjoyed looking at the rabbits (Grace).
I have enjoyed weighing different masses on scales.
Have a good weekend
#Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class ; )
In English, we wrote about our favourite part of Arthur's journey, he left his town and he went to find the Viking God. He travelled ina boat across the sea, and he encountered dangerous sea monsters on the way.
Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3 D shapes. we used Kenex to build the shapes, then we had to label the properties of the shapes .i.e the vertices, faces and the edges.
In guided reading we looked at non-fiction texts, and we are getting better at answering questions from the text.
In PE, we practised throwing and catching with Mrs Romaine, and finally managed to get outside without getting wet, we played cricket with Miss Lizell and we practised getting runs without getting out. It was great fun.
Have a lovely (dry) weekend
Florence NIghtingale Class
Talk Homework: Talk about places of worship you know. Who worships there?
Talk homework - What if we didn't have tree?
Daily reading
In our English lesson we wrote a letter to Arthur (a character in our book) to persuade him whether to go on his quest or not. I enjoyed trying to work out if he should go (Molly).
Within Mathematics this week we have started to look at angles. I liked looking for and drawing horizontal and vertical lines (Ethan).
As part of our mind up we have daily brain breaks, I enjoy having a brain break as it helps me calm down (Aurelia).
In music we have become composers, I liked making our own music (Liliana).
Have a good weekend
Nightingale class and Mrs Romaine : )
To continue to practise telling the time
In Science we have finished our forces and magnet topic by creating our own magnetic game. I made a magnet maze (Maisie).
I have enjoyed going to Hardwick Denes and especially trying on the bear fur coat (Oliver).
After half term we will be going to the allotment every Thursday. So, if anyone can join us on a weekly basis please let me know.
Also, if you would like to come in an hear the children individual read in the class, on a weekly basis that would be fantastic. Please again let me know.
Mrs Romaine
P.S Happy, safe half term.
Talk homework - TELL THE TIME!!!!!
Daily reading
This week we have all amazed Mrs Romaine with our persuasive writing. I have enjoyed writing a letter to Tesco to persuade them to waste less food and become more sustainable (Nathaniel).
I enjoyed doing a range of activities ready for sports day with Miss Lizell (Charlie. R).
Within our RE lesson we are learning about the people of God and the promises both them and God have made to each other. I enjoyed learning about and sequencing the story of Abraham and Sarah (Charlie. E).
During our Mathematics this week we have done a range of 'telling the time' activities such as telling the time with a 12 and 24 hour clock and complete time games on 'Topmarks' (Charlie. B).
Have a good weekend
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )
Talk homework - To tell the people at home the time throughout the day, regularly.
Daily reading
Due to the weather this week, we played bench ball in PE with Miss Lizell inside. I enjoyed throwing the ball to catch out the other team (Jonathan).
I have enjoyed sewing at Hardwick Dene this week, we were shown how to use an old sewing machine (Maya).
In English this week we have been exploring our visualisation techniques, imagining what the illustrator has drawn, to match the authors words (Ruby).
Within our computing lesson this week we have learnt how to give the program instructions into 'Scratch' to create a picture (Aurelia).
I have enjoyed Mathematics this week, we are telling the time to the nearest minutes and we have explored days, months and years (Isabella).
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )
Daily reading
Talk homework - To talk about promise you make to others within your lives.
Within our computing we have been learning how to program using 'Scratch'. I have enjoyed changing the background (Molly).
I enjoyed going to Hardwick Dene and finding out about the residence experiences of 'rationing' and exploring the history room, especially wearing the furs (Grace).
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )
Daily reading
Talk homework - To talk about 'what if you couldn't smell'.
On Tuesday after school I enjoyed completing the races in athletics club (James).
To support our fraction learning we recapped on our multiplication methods. I enjoyed our multiplication lesson (Leyla).
In English we have a new text, we have explored the endpapers at the front of the book. We have made some fantastic predictions and exploratory investigations about the information and illustrations (Jessie).
Half of us have had our visit to Hardwick Dene this week, we had a fantastic time. I liked asking Cynthia lots of questions (Georgia).
Have a good weekend
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class
Reading and Nessy.
In Mathematics we are beginning to find fractions of amounts, I enjoyed doing this with an Easter picture (Hibba).
I have enjoyed PE with Miss Lizell as we are playing lots of matches (Jonathan).
In English we have finished our text 'Gregory Cool' and have made our own storyboard about the events and characters (Aurelia).
We have had a great time doing our 3/4 play and hope you enjoyed it (Isabella).
Have a very happy and safe Easter.
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )
Talk homework - To talk about the affects of acid rain.
Daily reading
I have enjoyed Mathematics this week (Ruby). We have been learning about fractions.
We have performed our play to the school this week. I enjoyed the part with Raffy and the bullies (Molly).
In PE I enjoyed playing a net ball match (Nathaniel).
Have a good weekend
Nightingale class and Mrs Romaine : )
Talk homework - To practise the songs and your lines from the play.
Daily reading
We have had an amazing week this week. We have started a new topic in Mathematics of fractions, we have learnt about unit and non-unit fractions as well as tenths.
Within English we have written our own independent instructions on 'how to get dressed'.
Both year 3 and 4 are doing a fantastic job in our play rehearsals, well done!
Have a good weekend.
Nightingale class and Mrs Romaine : )
Talk homework - To count to 10 in French and practise your songs from the play
Daily reading
In English we have been learning about instructions, I enjoyed creating a snowflake following instructions (Darci).
Within our quiet reading sessions and reading at home, I am enjoying my book 'The Witches' By Roald Dahl (Charlie. E).
We have had lots more practise of our play this week and I am enjoying the songs we are singing (Oliver).
I have enjoyed recording our Science data of how are seeds are growing (Adam). We are in four groups and we have found are seeds are all growing differently as each group has changed a variable.
Nightingale Class and Mrs Romaine : )
Homework -
Talk homework - Learn your lines from the play and talk about all the different poetic forms and devices we have learnt.
Daily reading
This week I have enjoyed planting our seeds in Science, setting up an experiment change one variable each time (Leyla). One test was without water, one without soil, one without light and the other with all of what we believe plants need to grow.
I enjoyed doing the warm up activity of running around the field with Miss Lizell (Maisie).
In English this week we have been learning about poetry. I have enjoyed learning about different poetic forms and devices (Oliwia). I have especially enjoyed doing a Calligram poem (Maya).
As a Year 3 and 4 group we started practising our play. I have really enjoyed starting the rehearsals (Liliana).
In Mathematics this week we have been adding lengths. I have really enjoyed measuring different objects around the room and adding them together (Charlie. B).
Nightingale Class and Mrs Romaine : )
Talk homework -
Find three objects around your home, one made from metal, one made from wood and one made from plastic. Discuss why the objects need to be made from these materials and the properties they have.
Daily reading
Welcome back!!! Our new Global learning topic is Sustainable Cities, we have really enjoyed finding the UK cities on a map and building our very own 'cardboard city' (Georgia).
Within PE we have started netball with Miss Lizell and we have learnt lots of new passes (chest pass, bounce pass and shoulder pass) (James).
In Mathematics we have learnt about measuring length using centimetres, millimetres and metres (Nathaniel).
We have learnt about some different poetic forms this week and I liked writing my own Limerick poem (Ruby).
We look forward to you all receiving a letter from us about our exciting new crossing and different ways you can help us keep safe. I enjoyed typing up a draft letter (Grace).
This week I have enjoyed taking part in an audition of resiting a poem to express an interest in a part in our Year 3 and 4 play (Hibba).
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale Class : )
Homework - Reading and enjoy your half term!
Those children that have a Nessy account please can you do some over half term.
We have all been very excited about our Global learning this half term. I especially enjoyed learning about the artist Scarpace (Aurelia). To complete our Global Learning, we have written an independent piece of writing about all the things we have learnt and enjoyed (Maya).
I enjoyed our Maths money quiz to end our learning in Mathematics this half term (Charlie. B).
Congratulations to Lincoln for winning the football interhouse! I enjoyed taking part (Ethan).
Have a very happy and safe half term.
Nightingale Class and Mrs Romaine : )
Daily reading
Talk homework - Talk about what you know about Ramadan.
We will be writing about what we have learnt throughout this half term in Global learning, it would help if you could talk about what you have learnt and how you can write about it.
I have enjoyed learning football with Miss Lizell this week, practising playing a match (Darci).
Within Global Learning we have thought about plastics and sustainable fishing (Charlie . E).
In English this week we have a new poetry text 'The sun is laughing'. We have used our minds eye to picture the illustrations, we predicted the tittle of a poem by listening to it and also acted out a poem in a group (Isabella).
During French this week we have learnt some words for different rules in the classroom (Jessie).
With Mr Bowden this week we have furthered our knowledge of the Islamic faith by designing our own prayer mat (Oliwia).
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )
Daily reading
Talk homework - To talk about how you can reduce your plastic use at home.
We have had a very good week this week. We have finished our English text 'One plastic bag' and we have all become very mindful about our plastic use. Through our English and Global learning lessons we have researched plastics, how to reduce, reuse and repurpose them. With our findings we have created a poster to advertise them.
In Science our knowledge of skeletons has been fantastic this week in identifying and matching different animals to the correct skeleton.
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )
Daily reading
Talk homework - To name as many bones in your body as you can.
With Miss Lizell this week it was to slippery to go outside, so we completed a mini circuit in the hall (Molly).
In English we have watched lots of clips about our use of plastic in the word and we have thought about the key vocabulary that excites us (Jonathan).
In our Global learning we are looking at the artist Scarpace.
Nightingale class and Mrs Romaine
Daily reading
Talk homework - Please bring in a plastic bag (not a bag for life).
With Miss Lizell we have played end ball, which enables us to develop our tackling and shooting skills (Adam).
This week we have explored our new text further 'One Plastic Bag'. We have used our teamwork and presentation skills throughout the time we have been building our prototype of a biodegradable bag (Hibba).
Today I have enjoyed Mathematics because I enjoyed using my multiplication facts to answer word problems (Leyla).
In Science we have learnt more information about nutrition. We have learnt about how different animals need different amounts of nutrients (Nathaniel).
We have furthered our Global Learning knowledge by finding out about the different layers of the seas including the animals and environments in each layer (James and Maisie).
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale class : )
Happy new year! I hope you all had a lovely break.
Daily reading
Talk homework: Food diary and Nutritional labels chart.
We have started off the new year with a new curriculum. We are focusing on the 17 sustainable goals, set by the Government and 7 skill builder, skill sets, to get us ready for the world around us. Our focus this half term is 'Life below the water'. We are learning about the seas.
We had a 'WOW' beginning lesson, to introduce our new Global Learning Curriculum. We created our very own interpretation of what life below water looks like to us (Grace).
Within our English learning I have enjoyed comprehension (Maya). We have a new text called 'One plastic bag' (Georgia).
In Miss Lizell's PE lesson we have started football and we have began to learn how to dribble the ball using a range of controlled techniques (Ruby).
This week I have enjoyed Mathematics, we have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number using the 'short' multiplication written method (Nathaniel).
During Guided reading this week we have been using a non-fiction text 'Underwater animals'. "I have enjoyed learning how fish breathe" (Charlie).
Mrs Romaine and Nightingale Class : )
Talk homework - To practise your 8 timestable.
Daily reading
Talk homework - To practise our Christmas Carol song 'Mary's boy child'.
Daily reading
Talk homework - Talk about things that are made out of bronze and if you have anything bring it in, to share in our Topic lesson.
Mathletics - Completed by Tuesday please.
Daily reading
Talk homework - Talk about your prediction of what is going to happen next in our 'Edward Tulane' text.
Daily reading
Talk homework - Talk about the picture that was send home.
Daily reading
Complete your Christmas picture - All details have been sent out via parent mail
Homework -
Daily reading
Homework -
Daily reading
Talk homework - To talk about what you would tell UG about how you live today.
Homework -
Daily reading
Talk homework - Talk about and compare your life and Ug's in the 'Stone Age'.
Homework -
Daily reading
Talk homework - To talk about the history of the Haka.
Homework -
Talk homework - To talk about what erosion is. Also, how and where it takes place.
Daily reading
Talk homework - Talk about and remember the parts of the brain and their functions.
Daily reading
Talk homework - What do you think life was like in the 'Stone Age'?
Mathletics - Matheletics has been set and all the children have their passwords stuck in reading diaries.
Reading - We have all start on our reading programme Accelerated Reader (AR). Our target is to pass our quizzes this half term.