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Marie Curie

Welcome to our class blog. Here you can find information on what we have been learning as well as any other notes/ information. 

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  • Friday 5th July 2019

    Published 05/07/19, by Admin


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  • Friday 28th June 2019

    Published 28/06/19, by Admin

      All the children have enjoyed developing their scientific enquiry skills this week through engaging with a range of experiments and workshops.

      There has been a wonderful atmosphere and buzz in the classroom as we have explored and learned together. 

       It has been fantastic to see children supporting  one another and encouraging each other with their learning.

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  • Friday 21st June 2019

    Published 21/06/19, by Admin

     We had such an exciting day on Wednesday with our trip to Sacrewell Farm. The children were amazing, asking lots of interesting questions and engaging with the members of Staff who told us all about the animals and life on the farm. We are so proud of them.

    Next week is SCIENCE WEEK. Please , please can you send in any plastic bags or plastic items that you would put in the recycling bin for our experiments.


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  • Friday 14th June

    Published 14/06/19, by Admin

     Despite all the rain Marie Curie Class have continued to amaze us with their attitude to their work and learning.
     This is a very positive sign as they think of moving into Year 2.

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  • Friday 7th June

    Published 07/06/19, by Admin

     A very busy start to the second half of the summer term.

     The most exciting thing this week was making bread and butter as part of our Global Learning lesson.
     " The first bite made my mouth water." A. S.

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  • Friday 24th May

    Published 24/05/19, by Admin

     This has been a very exciting and busy week .
     We all enjoyed making our survival biscuits as part of our Global Learning looking at hunger. The class all wanted to try and make them at home so asked to have a copy of the recipe . ENJOY !!!

    Have a fantastic half term in the sunshine.

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  • Friday 17th May

    Published 17/05/19, by Admin

     This has been a very productive week.
     The children have used their artistic skills to produce wonderful pastel and collage pictures . They have created their own individual settings for the main character in our English text called Beegu.

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  • Friday 10th May

    Published 10/05/19, by Joshua Palmer

     Another busy and exciting week in Marie Curie Class.  We have packed so much into our four days.

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  • Friday 3rd May

    Published 03/05/19, by Joshua Palmer

     We have had another very busy week . Mrs Clarke and Miss Edwards are so proud of the whole class and how hard they have worked.

     It was lovely to see you all at the Parent Consultations. We do hope that you found them informative.

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  • Friday 26th April

    Published 26/04/19, by Admin

     Welcome back to Summer Term 1.
     All the class have made a very positive start and are ready for an exciting half term.

    Just a reminder , if you are able to come into school on a Wednesday afternoon and come with us to the allotment please let Mrs Clarke know.

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  • Friday 5th April

    Published 05/04/19, by Admin

     Well we have reached the end of a very busy term . We are all looking forward to a happy holiday.  I hope that you are able to enjoy some time together.

     Everyone has two reading books to read and share during the holiday.  Happy Easter to you all.

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  • Friday 29th March

    Published 29/03/19, by Admin

     Marie Curie Class have had another very busy and exciting week.
     We all enjoyed seeing the Key stage 2 Dress Rehearsal. The costumes are amazing.

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