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Aspirations Day

On Friday 9th February Buckden CE Primary Academy held an Aspirations Day for their KS2 children with the help of parents, the local community and friends of the school. The aim of the day was to raise and widen the Aspirations of its pupils and to help them make a link between what they learn at school and their aspirations for the future.

Roxroth Engineering explaining circuits

On Friday 9th February Buckden CE Primary Academy held an Aspirations Day for their KS2 children with the help of parents, the local community and friends of the school. The aim of the day was to raise and widen the Aspirations of its pupils and to help them make a link between what they learn at school and their aspirations for the future.

The day was an amazing success due to over forty professions coming into to share with the children the many different and interesting aspects of their jobs. The day began with an assembly where the children were treated to the role of a facilities manager, a professional storyteller and even a magician, who had both the adults and the children baffled.

The professions represented from the NHS were nurses from both Hinchingbrooke and Addenbrookes hospitals, diagnostic imagers, our local GP Dr Fargonoli and even a perfusionist. Ibraheem was fascinated, 'It is most surprising that you can repair hearts with tubes!'

Engineers were well represented by Roxroth Engineering which even included a former pupil and some great graduate engineers involved in the A14 construction, many of the displays were interactive and the children got to try out lots of different equipment.

The RAF, Navy and Army put on a fantastic display of equipment for the children to try and lots of questions fielded about life in the services. Franki said  'I now know I would love to join the army and see the world'.

Also involved were the local reverend Jes Salt, PCSO Richard Braddick,  graphic designers, leisure centre manager, accountants, software engineers, plant scientist, local farmers and even Berryworld who had lots of samples for the children. Berryworld said, 'It's been a pleasure talking to the children about Berryworld and how we source sustainable fruit, the children have had some interesting questions.'

Many of the children were surprised by the range of professions Megan said, 'I really liked today because you get to see all the different jobs out there. It's been helpful as I've more of an idea about what I would like to do.'

It was an amazing success, which is all down to the goodwill of all the people involved. We hope to make this a bi-annual event.