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28th May 2021

Talk homework: Ask your adults and grandparents if they know what Buckden High Street looked like in the olden days. Do they have any memories or old photos?

We have had a very successful half-term.  The children have all worked so hard. This week we finished our fact files that we made containing everything that we have learned about Victorian Workhouses. The children could remember so many facts and we know all about  the food that they ate, the clothes that they wore and the jobs that they had to do. In maths this week we have found a love for the game of countdown. We chose a target number e.g. 32 and then using numbers such as 2, 4, 8, 10, 30, 40 and 10 we saw how many ways we could make 32. 

We made a gluten-free flapjack this week and then added extra ingredients to improve the taste and texture. This was a lot of fun and our flapjacks tasted good! 

We had a very interesting conversation about the investigation we conducted in science. We set up a seed in compost in a dark cupboard with water and another seed in compost in light but with no water. The results were so interesting and led to lots of deep thinking about the results. The plant that grew in the dark was very pale and long and spindly. The children thought it was trying to find some light. 

Have a fantastic half-term

Sessions class