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Friday 25.6.21

Talk homework: Tell your adults all about wind power and everything you discovered about how the size of the sails on a windmill affected the speed that they rotated.

This week was all about our SCIENCE. We have revisited everything we know about seeds and bulbs. We made a collage out of recycled materials to create the structure of a Marigold flower. We discussed if a Marigold grows from a seed or a bulb. During our collage lesson, we thought about which materials we could bend, twist, scrunch or flatten to change their shape making them suitable for a particular part of a flower. Daniel really loved it.

Lucas has enjoyed our STEM activity today when we went outside and conducted a maths scavenger hunt. We really pushed our measuring skills to the limit by working out how to find a tree with a circumference of 40cm.

Freddie enjoyed watching a very funny and entertaining video that really got us excited for science week. Here is the link if you would like to watch the video at home.

Beau and Sonny enjoyed our investigation to answer the question 'Does the size of the sails on a windmill alter the speed that they turn?' It was a fascinating morning. Liv and Kian found an activity on Explorify intriguing when we zoomed in and out to try to guess what part of an animal or plant we were looking at. Here is the website for you to try it out for your selves.

Imogen worked in a team to try to think of an innovative idea to solve a problem with our planet. The ideas that the children came up with were amazing. Kiki would like to explain her idea.... How about a barbecue that doesn't use charcoal to eliminate the smoke pollution and only takes vegetarian food but it tastes like it's real meat! Scarlett invented a robot that picks up litter and it makes the rubbish into brand new toys. Dylan T thought of a great idea to fill a large plane with wildflower seeds and to populate the entire UK with wildflowers for the bees.

It has been a busy but thoroughly enjoyable few days.

Sessions Class